Favorite "Meditation of My Heart"

Call unto me,

and I will answer thee,

and shew thee great and mighty things,

which thou knowest not. --Jeremiah 33:3 KJV

Monday, July 26, 2010

ADA: An Alphabet Soup Day

Happy 20th Birthday to the Americans With Disabilities Act. I have fond memories of watching the news coverage on the proposed bill while in high school and being intrigued by the man in the out of place cowboy style hat.

Then in 1994, I went from a casual acquaintance with the new law to a deep, meaningful relationship. I attended many hours of trainings from DREDF, HUD, NCIL and others. I studied boring pages of law, recommendations, best practices, technical assistance and application. I met the man in the cowboy hat & learned his name was Justin Dart. I learned that the press never adequately captured his zeal, his inspiring speeches or his devotion to the value of all human life. I learned he was largely responsible for "selling" the ADA to congress and American citizens.

In 1994, I could never have guessed that the deep relationship with this and other disability laws would be SO long lasting or be paying for things like Grace's braces....Thank you ADA and all my access-impaired and access-aware clients!

Get involved in politics as if your life depended on it, because it does. -- Justin Dart

I count the good days in my life from the time I got polio. These beautiful people not only saved my life, they made it worth saving.--Justin Dart

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