Favorite "Meditation of My Heart"

Call unto me,

and I will answer thee,

and shew thee great and mighty things,

which thou knowest not. --Jeremiah 33:3 KJV

Friday, April 11, 2014

Weight Loss Goals Check-In

When started my weight loss journey, I did not focus on a number as a goal weight.  Instead I set quality of life goals.

My weight loss goals from my January 2013 blog entry were as follows:
Done!  1. Be able to wear my wedding ring again comfortably. (With my arthritic hands, my weight may need to be lower than when I stopped wearing it to get it back on, but I'm going to try.)

Not yet.  2. Be able to travel with my crutches on short trips such as in and out of a doctor office, library, or friends' homes. (But no stupid excessive stuff that causes falls and injuries.)

Done!  3. To be able to reduce and potentially eliminate my high blood pressure medicine and to avoid further health damage.

Almost! 4. To buy and wear clothing that are not in a plus size store.

Almost!  5. To have more energy, more endurance and more strength than I did for most of my thirties!
I have lost 70% of the weight
that I set out to lose.

I have now lost 70% of the weight that I needed to lose, and I have met 2 of my goals.  However,  I have realized that I now must build up strength and endurance to reach goal 2 and 5. 

Until now, I have not "exercised" by any traditional definition.  I don't have the disposable income for a membership at our YMCA, which is expensive.  I don't really have the time to use it anyway, especially with it being so far out on the south end of town.  I have "exercised" by doing more housework, lifting/loading more groceries/stuff without assistance and standing at my microwave timer trying to build up to 5 minutes of standing.  Now this week, I have started walking on my crutches in an effort to reach goal 2 before July.  Unlike my activities until now, walking on crutches feels like exercise which is rather invigorating.

I doubt that I'll start a "crutch it" fitness craze, but I am enjoying the energy boost that it is giving me.  

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