Favorite "Meditation of My Heart"

Call unto me,

and I will answer thee,

and shew thee great and mighty things,

which thou knowest not. --Jeremiah 33:3 KJV

Saturday, January 12, 2013

40: Day 5

Okay, today is probably not a model day of being 40....95 maybe, but not 40!  After my busy, long day yesterday, I was really, very tired and not feeling very well.  I started my morning planning to write a report for work so I get my laptop and sat down in my favorite chair with my recently re-washed favorite quilt (remember pre-birthday entry).  While the kids finished their breakfast and started watching cartoons, I started typing, then napping, then typing, then napping...well, more napping than typing.  Soon it was lunch and I hadn't ate breakfast! 

The girls had been entertaining Nate all morning and David had cleaned the living room.  I was pretty sure this was some dream.  After lunch I made some phone calls, did some reading, and fell asleep with Matt on my lap asleep.  Then I went back to reading when Matt woke me up when he got up.  Then Mark curled up and napped and so did I again! Then Luke joined Mark and I.  When I woke up, I was trapped under two adorable sleeping boys.

Hubby was in Kansas this weekend for debate. The weather and deteriorating road conditions were really worrying me so I was greatly relieved when he got home around 10:30pm.

Summary of Day 4:

Community Responsibility:  None unless we count not going in public when I'm not feeling well.

Health/Fitness:  I ate less than my diet allows and really did not miss the food. I definitely didn't exercise.  It was about the most low impact day that I've had in months!  (Thank you kids!  I LOVED  it!)
Spirituality:  Lots of reading, but still very far behind on my planned schedule.
Wisdom:  Rest is a great thing!

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