Favorite "Meditation of My Heart"

Call unto me,

and I will answer thee,

and shew thee great and mighty things,

which thou knowest not. --Jeremiah 33:3 KJV

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

40: Day 15

Look at this picture of Jon from today. Isn't he just too cute?  Amber did his hair like this today, I really like it.  Based on the smiles that Jon was giving me while I was taking his picture, I think he likes it too.

Okay a quick summary of my day:

Community Responsibility:  Grace and I took a donation of new baby items/supplies to a local pregnancy care center in remembrance of Rowe V. Wade's Anniversary today.

Health/Fitness:  Yes, today was my 2nd weekly weigh in. I lost 4 1/4 pounds bringing my 2 week total to 14 pounds lost. I have been really hungry this past week and this is getting tougher.  I'm going to need to step it up this week and start exercising.

Spirituality: Lots of reading, but still very far behind on my planned schedule.  I'm thinking a modified schedule may be needed.

Wisdom:  I really don't like controlling every item that I ingest, but I need to improve my health.  I miss processed food, but I know they are not compatible with my goals.  I dislike singing with older ladies about weight loss.  However, I am seeing changes.  In other words, it works.

This evening I made my mom's version of Aunt Treva's tuna fish salad.  My mom used to make it for me when I was trimming weight in high school and she said Treva made it for her and her friends when they were dieting.  All I know is it is delicious and satisfying.

Tuna Salad
2 oz tuna
2-3 diced radishes
2 sliced green onions
1 stalk of celery
2 T light mayo

and I didn't have it today, but I like fresh cilantro in the mix too.

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