Favorite "Meditation of My Heart"

Call unto me,

and I will answer thee,

and shew thee great and mighty things,

which thou knowest not. --Jeremiah 33:3 KJV

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

40: Day 22

Today was weigh in day...I went and said the pledge, sang the songs and lost 3 3/4 pounds.  It has to be more next week, because this is a lot of work for that minimal of a loss.

Then I had planned to be in the office the rest of the day, but my kids and the CPA had other plans for me.  I taxi-ed; I waited for kids; I wrote checks; I mailed checks and my bank account is significantly lighter.  I really dislike all the payroll taxes, fees and hassels, but I'm thankful for a good CPA who keeps it organized and legal.

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